护肤用的橄榄油 | 化妆品包装设计

   发布日期:2024-02-08 03:42:44     来源:网络整理    作者:本站编辑    浏览:19    评论:0    

Good Level向我提出的目标是为他们的CBD产品创造引人注目、令人难忘的包装设计。他们希望传达产品的有机、自然和健康方面,并希望使用鲜艳的颜色,如蓝色、粉红色和绿色,使包装在货架上脱颖而出。


我利用我的包装设计和材料知识,创造了一个不仅在视觉上有吸引力,而且功能实用的设计。鲜艳的色彩与简洁的图形相结合,有效地传达了The Good Level想要传达的纯净、自然和健康的信息。

I utilized my knowledge of packaging design and materials to create a design that is not only visually appealing but also functional. The combination of bright colors and concise graphics effectively conveys the message of purity, nature, and health that The Good Level wants to convey.

The goal that Good Level proposed to me is to create eye-catching and unforgettable packaging designs for their CBD products. They want to convey the organic, natural, and healthy aspects of the product, and they want to use bright colors such as blue, pink, and green to make the packaging stand out on the shelves.

设计:YNOTTONYDESIGN \ 项目类型:皮肤美容包装设计 \ 项目状态:已发表的商业设计 \ 项目成果包装设计、容器设计


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